$1.35 Billion Dollar Mega Millions Winner is Suing The Mother of His Child for Pennies

NY Post - Maine man who won a $1.35 billion Mega Millions jackpot in January is now suing his baby mama for violating a non-disclosure agreement by blabbing about the windfall to his parents, new court papers allege.

The lucky winner, who remains anonymous, swore the mother of his daughter to secrecy in an NDA that required her to keep her lips sealed for almost a decade, according to a Maine federal lawsuit from Tuesday.

But despite the agreement, the baby daddy — who filed suit under the name John Doe — discovered in September that the woman spilled the tea without his permission ahead of time and then tried to keep her flub from him, the filing alleges.

The lottery winner wants a judge to force the woman — whose identity was kept under wraps as well using the name Sara Smith — to fess up in writing about all the people she divulged the information to and to pay him at least $100,000 for each time she blurted, the suit states.

I did the math. The article states this Mega Millions winner collected a one time lump sum of $498 million after taxes. So say this woman divulged his secret five times. That means he's asking her for $500k. That's pennies to him. It would be roughly .1% of his winnings (i.e. his total net worth).

To put that in my own terms, that would be like me suing somebody for $5.02. That's what $500k is to him. $5.02. He's shaking down the mother of his child for $5.02. And what $5.02 is to him, is quite possibly a life ruining amount of money for the mother of his child.

There are so many things I want to know about this family. There's a juicy story in there somewhere. For one, how much does this man HATE his parents that he won't even divulge to them that he won the lottery? Even if you hate their guts, wouldn't you still kick them a quick million just for giving birth to you? Then after that, just change your phone number, move to a different country, and never hear from them again.

And how much does he HATE the mother of his child? To go through with filing a lawsuit that is likely crippling to her, for an amount of money he wouldn't hesitate to wipe his ass with. To hire a lawyer, go to court, and deal with the legal system is such a hassle. I can't imagine taking the time to go through all that when I have more money than god, unless I REALLY wanted to ruin someone's life.

Or is this all just paranoia? Does having half-a-billion dollars dumped into your bank account overnight make you so paranoid that you can't even enjoy your money because you become so obsessed with all the possible things that could go wrong if your secret gets out? At that point, is having all the money even worth it? (dumb question, yes it is, but still...)

I have to assume this man has enemies. There are vengeful people in his life who he's wronged in the past. The type of people who have guns and aren't afraid to use them. The type of people who will actively hunt him down and kill him for his money. Maybe those enemies are his parents.

Or maybe he just fucking loves the legal systems and stands for the sanctity of non-disclosure agreements. We need to find out. Somebody needs to get a hold of his baby mama to get the full story. His secrets already out at this point. And we know she has a big mouth. Someday she's going to spill the beans. 

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